January 8th, 2025 – Middle School Building
Attendees: Tina Soto, Megan Modica, Julie Koning, Magda DiFranco, Amanda Russell, & David Hines, Jr.
- Chipotle Dine to Donate brough in $68.23. Will consider using a different location than the Madison Heights 12 Mile one next time. Suggested to try the one 14 Mile by Oakland Mall.
- The next PG Meeting will be held at the Dine to Donate at Red Robin in Madison Heights on 2/5.
- PG to host a Movie Night on 2/21 in conjunction with the Community Dinner. Will charge for popcorn bucket with healthy treat and water. Planning to pick a newer film to stream, as long as it is rated G or PG.
- PG will start sending out a paper flyer with the full months activities moving forward.
- Our 501(c3) status needs to be reinstated. A lawyer must file paperwork to in order to proceed. Tina Soto will talk with Stacy Byrd to see if the school’s legal team can assist.
- Tina is (already) thinking of Spring Dance ideas. Beach, Y2K, 90s, or 80s themes are options. Will discuss more during February meeting.
- Uniform Sale this month. More info on when will be announced in the weekend emails.
- PG considering hosting a Mom2Mom Sale in June this year. Team needs to find the right day to be successful and avoid other events and/or bad weather, which caused low turnout in 2022.