• Did not execute any April Fools Pranks this year. Will utilize ideas for next year.
  • Cheryl Hatton (FCMA Board Member) was not able to attend due to medical emergency.
  • Superintendent Kerri Barrett & Principal Stacy Byrd shared presentation. Some details below:
    • Day to Day starts with Ms. Stacy and her staff.
    • Kerri works with 4 different boards and authorizers (Ex: Oakland University)
    • Board of Directors has agreement with Choice to manage school. Board Members cannot act alone and whole board has to make decision in open meetings.
    • Authorizers answer to Michigan Department of Education. They must inspect and authorize academy boards to make sure school is operating properly.
    • Budget is looked at every year (for the past 3) from Feb.-April for next school year. School Leadership reviews from April-May, led by Stacy. Finance Committee meets in May to discuss. Budget is formally presented during June Board Meeting.
    • $9608 per pupil from the State. Charter schools can’t get a bond like traditional schools.
    • Filling out Free/reduced lunch forms are important for getting Federal Grant money.
    • Student Retention is a huge focus for Stacy.
    • Looking to implement a Communication Log for teachers to use for parents.
    • Looking at multiple billboards and brand video to help promote school.
    • Work/Life Harmony. Teachers are encouraged not to respond to emails/texts during the weekends.
    • How is Stacy supported from above? Communications Team (5 or 6 people), Office updates coming from Four Corners email address. – Stacy
    • Does the Board correspond with Oakland University? Yes. It has to come through a motion in an open meeting. – Kerri
    • How are Board Members chosen/elected? They apply and are appointed. Board selects from applicants and Oakland approves. – Kerri
    • Stacy is the most aware of what our community needs. How much of the budget is based on that? Kerri sends list to Heads of School to get her opinion. Finance Director has to take that into account for budget.
    • What kind of information does the Board get from Stacy or Kerri? They get monthly staffing updates. Student enrollment info is given. They know they can ask at any time. It is public data.
    • What acknowledgement has Choice taken over the loss of student and teachers over the past several years? Feels like our presentation shows Choice is aware and trying to turn things around.
    • Analysis is on 5-6 districts. Location and student location taken into account.
    • Are you having exit surveys when parents and families leave? Yes, but it hasn’t been well executed. Includes HR and School Leadership Team – Kerri
    • The Board has reinitiated a Fundraising committee to look into grants and more funding.
    • Whose decision is it not to be transparent about sharing financial scale? Kerri says she could make that public because she has the support from her Board to do so. She feels like they are just now getting competitive and does not want to do so quite yet.
    • Several parents mention Public posting is becoming the norm and More communication = better = more transparency.
  • All yes votes from PG Board to donate $318 to Middle School.
  • Book Fair
  • Glasses for The Eclipse have been purchased and received.
  • Community Dinner on 4/19.
  • Earth Day (Week) is 4/22-4/26
  • Spring Dance (4/26) Update
  • Teacher Appreciation Week is 5/6-5/10
  • Donation Suggestion
  • Royal Oak Brewery Dine to Donate brought in $75. Next one will be DiBella’s, David Hines to set up in May.